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In order to exhibit a project in the shows and sell at the premium auction, participates must be a member in good standing of a saline County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter.


The auction takes place at the Saline County Fairgrounds in show ring. As a prospective buyer, you will be provided with a list of projects for sale. All animals sell as a premium to the highest bidder. ADD-ON MONIEs are welcome for all exhibitors. Add-on amount may be a fixed dollar amount. Add-on can be applied to one Livestock Exhibitor or multiple exhibitors. payment can be turned in the night of the Auction. If you are unable to attend the auction in person and are interested in contributing contact Susan at 660-815-1234 or DeEtta at 660-202-9043


The Junior Auction serves as a platform for exhibitors to showcase their hard work and dedication to preparing for exhibition. The participating young men & women have Dedicated much time to caring for their chosen project: beef, lamb, hog, goat, rabbit, poultry, ham & Bacon. As a Premium auction the exhibitor will retain ownership of the animals. Meats become the buyers with donations to the ham breakfast greatly appreciated.

The Saline County Fair Association recognizes the hard work, dedication & financial obligation of the 4-H & FFA members, we appreciate the exhibition of their projects at our fair. It is our wish, with the help of the community, to reward them for their efforts.

Supporting the Auction continues the success of these young adults’ hard work. Committed to the process, they learn many valuable skills that may be applied to any number of future endeavors. It Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations, & social interaction. It also builds character & promotes citizenship, volunteerism, & patriotism which Strengthens the confidence in themselves & their work. Each purchase & bid at this auction is an investment in the next generation of agriculture.

Thank you for supporting the youth of Saline County!

Copyright 2019 - Saline County Fair Association
All rights reserved.
Information presented on this web site is subject to change without notice!

Saline County Fairgrounds

P.O. Box 124

2702 S. Hwy 65

Lexington Ave.

Marshall, MO 65340

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